31 mars 2022 nexteo

Getting started

Download the App

Number 1 Search and download the App

or scan this QR code

Number 2 Login-Register

  1. Press Register to open an account
  2. Enter your email address, set a new password (combination of 6 to 18 numbers and letters no special characters), press Get Code
  3. Enter the code you received, and then press Next

Number 3 Login-With Existing Account

  1. Press Log in
  2. Enter your email address, and password, press Log in

Number 4 For more help, watch the video


Pairing and firmware update

Best conditions with Bluetooth & WiFi devices

For more help, watch the video

You don’t find your device

1 – Check that your device is powered and turned on.

2 – Ensure that the network has a strong and stable signal.

3 – Check whether the router password you entered is correct.

4 – Check for spaces before and after the Wi-Fi network name or password and that all characters are in the correct case.

5 – Ensure the Wi-Fi network is enabled and not hidden. Ensure that your device is being connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band.

Are you having difficulties?
