25 avril 2022 nexteo

LUTEC connect is a lighting control concept via an application designed to control many products individually or in groups.

One App for all devices

The applications design means the lighting adjustment controls are the same for the whole LUTEC connect range. Thanks to its lamp-to-lamp relay system, Bluetooth mesh allows you to link and group any other LUTEC Connect lights with your camera.

Make it easier and faster

Bluetooth greatly facilitates the pairing process by improving identification of the camera by the application and allowing a more efficient connection to the router.

Easy to create groups

Create a group with the camera device and any other LUTEC connect lights through the App.
Thanks to Bluetooth mesh, all lights can be easily linked and will work simultaneously.

Light on even more

When motion is detected by the camera, all other lights in the group will illuminate simultaneously. You can then take control at any time and thus turn off or dim the lighting of the group

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