31 mars 2022 nexteo

Getting started

Download the App

Number 1 Search and download the App

or scan this QR code

Number 2 Login-Register

  1. Press Register to open an account
  2. Enter your email address, set a new password (combination of 6 to 18 numbers and letters no special characters), press Get Code
  3. Enter the code you received, and then press Next

Number 3 Login-With Existing Account

  1. Press Log in
  2. Enter your email address, and password, press Log in


Notice: Please enable Bluetooth on your phone

ChronoPush RESET Button on the product during 7 seconds

The light Flash.

Start the paring process in the App.

1 – Press Confirm or “+” to enter the configuration interface
2 – Press Light
3 – Make sure the light is already flashing before the App starts searching
Press Next once your light appears

4 – Wait for the configuration to finish and then press Next
5 – Press Ok when pairing is complete
6 – Your light will appear on the Home screen

Pairing and firmware update

Best conditions with Bluetooth devices

Can’t find my device?

Is your light flashing ?
If not hold the RESET button for 7 seconds to activate pairing mode

If your light is flashing but cannot be found by the App:
Close the App, reopen it and restart pairing mode.

Are you having difficulties?
